Taylor Reign

Food, Family, and Homebody Vibes

Tag: motherhood

  • 5 Reasons to Start Making Homemade Baby Food

    5 Reasons to Start Making Homemade Baby Food

    As parents, we want the best for our children, and one of the best places to start is by providing them with healthy and nutritious meals. One way to do this is by making homemade baby food. At first, it may seem like a lot of work, but there are so many benefits to making… Read more

  • How to Incorporate the 5 Areas of Child Development into Children’s Learning Activities

    How to Incorporate the 5 Areas of Child Development into Children’s Learning Activities

    Watching Atlas learn and make new discoveries is one of the greatest joys of being his mother. I love working with him every day to teach him new things. As I plan our activities (which honestly, is usually the night before or the morning of – trying to get better at planning sooner), I always… Read more

  • 10 Breast Pumping Tips from an Exclusive Pumper

    10 Breast Pumping Tips from an Exclusive Pumper

    2,658 – Yes, I actually calculated and that’s how many times I’ve pumped so far. And you don’t do something 2,658 times without messing up, getting better, and learning a few helpful tips and shortcuts along the way. I’m happy to share 10 tips that I’ve learned over the past 14 months of being an… Read more